Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Big Baby Step

Ever since Mia was born, she has slept on me, beside me, or in the swing by our bed. In those positions, she has slept great. Mom on the other hand...not so much. I tried putting her in the crib a few times before, but she would just throw a fit every time. She liked being close to me. The crib at the time was just a few feet away from our bed, but that wasn't close enough.

Well, Mia's room is now all in order, so we moved her crib in there, but we didn't have any monitors, and I wasn't comfortable leaving her in there all night w/o them in fear that I might not hear her when she "calls." So, I just kept her in bed with me. Finally, last night, Josh and I purchased the baby monitors and tested them on Mia. I didn't think she'd last one hour, but to our amazement, she lasted THREE hours before waking up hungry. HOORAY!!!!! So, she woke up at one, four, and 6:30, which is normal for her anyway. Good job, Mia! We are so proud of you.

Here's a little picture of her having fun with Daddy.


Cindy and Rob said...

ah amy. she is so adorable. you and josh probably have so much fun with her. i miss you guys. we need to hang out. i want to see the little one. i cant believe how big she has gotten.

Jenn said...

Yay! Congrats on the big move! :) Mia is adorable.