Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LOVE it!!!!

So, back in my teeny bopper days, I was a mega fan of Hanson. I sang Mmmbop all the time, got all their CD's, put all their posters on the walls of my bedroom, and even skipped a morning of school to try and win tickets to one of their concerts (sadly in vain. never won :-( ). Then, once the hype of their bugglegum hit faded, I my fanship started to as well. But now! they've come out with a new single called Thinking 'Bout Somethin' and I like it a lot. It's catchy. AND they've got a killer video to go with it. You Blues Brothers fans will be amused by it. So, here for your amazement, enjoy their video. P.S. Once a fan, always a fan:-) P.S.S Check out Weird Al Yankovic playing the tamborine!

Thinking 'Bout Somethin'

HANSON | MySpace Music Videos

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Cool song/video . . . which one(s) were the Hanson brothers? (They look nothing like they're young selves - or maybe I just wasn't a big a fan as I thought) ;)