Monday, June 14, 2010


Up until a couple of nights ago, Mia has been getting up every 2 or 3 hours in the night, making it very easy for those dark circles to appear under my eyes. BUT two days ago, Mia only took one nap during the day (normally she took two solid 2 hour naps). This made her extra tired, and she ended up sleeping a whopping SIX hours before waking up hungry. [Listen to the choir sing "Halelujah!"] I thought that maybe it was just a fluke. Then, last night she slept a full SEVEN hours before waking up. The sleep that I got was amazing, refreshing, wonderful, etc. So, I think that limiting the naptime is a good thing for her. Now, the only issue is how do I keep her occupied while I try to get some house work done. She's still very attached to me, which I love and get frustrated with at the same time. She's so fun to hang out with, but I just know that Josh gets tired of seeing piles of clean clothes on the bed and not in the closet. Like the fabulous husband he is, he doesn't ever comment about it. He knows it'll get done eventually (I can just hear my mom getting frustrated over that remark. She knows I know better...)

Anyway, today was a big day for Mia because she finally discovered how to roll over on her own on more than one occasion...and without wailing in frustration. It came as such a surprise to me because she doesn't really like being on her tummy. I laid her on her back to watch a Baby Einsteins video so I could do some cleaning. I then went to check my phone, and when I turned around, she was on her tummy. I squealed with delight, which I think caught her by surprise, but when she figured how happy I was, she just smiled back at me. [Wipe a tear] She ended up doing this multiple times today, so much so that I don't think she likes being on her back anymore. I laid her down for her nap, and she rolled over onto her tummy. That's yet ANOTHER exciting thing that happened; she went to sleep today without needing the assistance of her "food source" in order to fall asleep.

Today has been a good day. Now, I just need to finish the laundry! :-)




Shalee said...

SO EXCITING! I also love the sneak peeks of your home, it looks amazing.

Eric and Jill said...

Yeah, Sleep is amazing and its incredible how little you end up needing. I hope she keeps it up for your sake.