Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mia's Words

Mia's 15 months old now, and it seems she's learning and growing everyday. She's such a chatter-box these days. I wanted to take a moment to list all of her words/phrases.

*Momma (my favorite)
*Where'd it go? (in reference to her binky when she can't find it)
*quack quack
*pizza (It's her favorite food right now. :-/ )
*bye bye (She loves to scream this one for some reason.)
*Hello? (sounds a lot like uh-oh in question form)
*Hi Dad!
*flower (one of her favorite words. Every plant is a flower to her sometimes.)
*stuck (this one is very helpful for Mommy!)
*No no! (probably her first word, and she's very good at this one, and get's sassy with it.)
*Oh come on! (She says this a lot when Daddy and Mommy get excited during intense sports events)
*A ball! (also a favorite of hers right now.)
*Good girl! (She says this whenever she's accomplished something like finishing a bottle or closing the refrigerater door or putting her blocks in the their box.)
*Yucky! (Every time we change her diaper, she points to the dirty diaper, and says this. I'm glad she recognizes the fact that it IS yucky!)

My, that's quite a list! I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple, but I just needed to journal this before I forget anymore.

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